poniedziałek, 12 września 2016

Warsztaty z Vyacheslavem Ivanovem

Zapraszamy na warsztaty tanga i walca z maestro Viacheslavem Ivanovem (Slavą) z Moskwy już 17-18. września. Warsztaty poprowadzi solo z asystą Magdaleny Tarasovej.

Zajęcia odbędą się w blokach: 3 lekcje po 1,5 godziny = 1 dzień

Spotykamy się w szkole tango-nuevo.pl, na ul.Westerplatte 13/3.

Godziny zajęć:




Tematy warsztatów:


1. "In the mood for Vals".
2. Rhythmical patterns in Vals.
3. Dynamics in Vals. The concept of a pendulum

1. Different types of close embrace. Specific things in "using" of embrace. Stylistics.
Connection between embrace and musicality.
2. "In and Out". Inhalation. Exhalation. Delay. Breathing in tango.
3. Dynamics. Development and "quality" of movement.

Tematyka bardziej szczegółowo? Tutaj: https://www.facebook.com/events/270602083332576/permalink/280626682330116/

Ceny (na osobę):
50 PLN - 1 godzina
150 PLN - 1 dzień
250 PLN - full pass

Dla uczniów tango-nuevo.pl z ważnym karnetem 20% zniżki:
120 zł - 1 dzień
200 zł - full pass!

cena lekcji prywatnej to 60 euro.

Limit osób na warsztatach to 10-12 par.
Zapisy: kontakt@tango-nuevo.pl

About Viecheslav Ivanov (Slava):
"When you approach to the Sea for the first time, you can see how the sun beams play on it's surface. And looking at how beautiful is it from a distance, you even can't imagine what treasures are hidden inside, how DEEP is it..
So, the same we could say about Tango."

Viacheslav started to dance tango in 2000, almost from the beginning of tango development in Russia. He started to teach tango in 2003. He dances tango and gives classes together with Olga Leonova for more then 10 years. Their tango school in Moscow was famous by its technique explanations and work with musicality. Viacheslav and Olga have their own energetic and creative teaching style, excellent lessons structure, detailed topic explanations and have great experience in giving workshops as well. Viacheslav and Olga live and teach tango in Slovenia at the present moment.

Viacheslav and Olga have their unique and elegant dancing style. The most important in their dance is the contact and harmony inside of the couple and unity with a music.

Viacheslav and Olga tell about themselves:

We dance and teach Tango together for already more then 10 years. Once our friend said that we dance “intelligent tango”. We like how it sounds! We believe that “Tango isn’t the steps, it’s something in between...” © We especially pay attention to the musicality, the contact inside of the couple, the dynamics and the character of movements on our lessons (Of course all of these is based on paying proper attention to the technique). We try to offer students the idea that it’s not so important WHAT you do, but HOW you do it and what you put INSIDE. When you learn a step/figure/sequence, of course you have to know how it works, but also it’s important to understand why you need it and what it can give you. Also we do believe that the dance should be comfortable for both. That's why we pay attention to body work, posture, proper tone of muscles etc.

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